Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wild is the wind

In an effort to seek feedback from people I don't know, I decided to join a Producers Challenge on a forum. We all had to sample Nina Simone's "Wild is the Wind" and forum members would vote to see who did the best job. Long story short, I won. The funny thing is that I probably spent an hour working on the song. I want to show you guys a quick break down of how I made the song...

Here's the original...

Here is my version...
"Gifted" - Nelsonious

All I did was sample the piano in the beginning, her vocal at 46 secs into the song and, the guitar at 3:33 into the song. I then layered it on top of drums I had sequenced out. Simple right?

To seperate myself from the other contestants I decided to add an intro. I looked up Nina Simone interview on Youtube and chose the one I thought fit perfectly.

It's supposed to be a weekly thing. I'll keep you guys posted on the next one.


IamOSI said...

i am a process junkie. right on for giving us a look into your brain. sounds simple, like you said, but i'm damn sure you're more built to think that way. making it look easy is definitely a trait of a veteran.

Hando Verfist said...

Easy to see how you won. That intro was dope.