that's sick. i feel ya on that. im always finding new cats with a new twist in their early twenty's. and im thinking, damn, i wasnt even at that point when i was at that age. drives me insane. its hard not to be influenced and sidetracked from your own style.
Two of the beats he made were flawless. I heard the sample and would of never thought of that. Helps me look outside the box when I find out how other put their twist on things. Kind of like a cliffnote.
that's sick. i feel ya on that. im always finding new cats with a new twist in their early twenty's. and im thinking, damn, i wasnt even at that point when i was at that age. drives me insane. its hard not to be influenced and sidetracked from your own style.
Two of the beats he made were flawless. I heard the sample and would of never thought of that. Helps me look outside the box when I find out how other put their twist on things. Kind of like a cliffnote.
yeah, i dig seeing another artists process. it's a trip to see how yall mess with beats, boggles the mind.
thats cool. i have trouble trying to figure out how the process even works. no matter how many times i see it done.
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