Friday, January 23, 2009

Copyright Criminals

Trailer for Copyright Criminals, a documentary about digital samplings head-on collision with copyright law. They've had free screenings in New York and Chicago. Keepin' my eyes peeled for a bay area screening.


IamOSI said...

"if you can catch me, then i didn't do my job." well said. interesting subject matter, what is your thought on it?

nelsonious said...

I'm all for sampling so this hits home for me. For me, music isn't about making money, it's about expressing how I feel. I'm all for giving money to the artist I sample. When I sample a song, I'm not taking there song and saying it's mine. I pay homage to the original artist. If someone hears what I make, I want them to want to hear what the original sounds like. I'm weird like that. If I hear a good song, I break it down and figure out whats used. You might call it a weak super ability, but I call it honing your craft. It's like you noticing all the type of graphics and programs used in the Call of Duty intro and that one Ford commercial.

IamOSI said...

i dig how even though the beats you take may sound familiar, it's the way you compose it that brings that piece of originality to it. its one thing to take an existing melody and just lay some drums on it, but to rearrange and technically rebuild it, in my opinion, takes a type of intuition that is based on pure talent and experience. in design, it's become common place to take bits and pieces from existing artwork to create a final project. whether or not people agree with what is being used, it's hard not to appreciate the overall design and how it was all unified. though at the same time, you can feel the generic sense of meshing things together when a designer doesn't understand the basics and fundamentals. people forget that you need to know the rules before you can break them. and that may be what sets the amateurs apart from the pros.

nelsonious said...

Exactly! I don't know why but I've always lacked confidence in what I make. I know it's good but I would never own up to it. I would just immediatley hate it. I'm not gonna lie, it doesn't take me a long time to make a song. I keep it simple on purpose. The more time I spend, the more I lose track of the sound I was going for. A big part of what scares me is that it is easy to make music. Somewhere in the back of my head I'm telling myself that it shouldn't be easy. And that's what stops me.
This year I'm looking at it differently. I'm shooting to be the guy that makes that easy music. Regardless of what others think.